Termination, Regulation Duties of UHRC

The Board of Directors of the Council shall have the power to expel / terminate a member or / and members, from the membership of UHRC, on the following grounds; a) on his / her death:
 On written resignation
 If found to be involved in any anti-social activities
 If adjudged by any court of law to be a criminal offender
 If member works against the aims and objects of the society
 If failing to pay the up-to date membership subscription within one month of the due date
 If disregards rules and regulations or disobey the decisions of the Board of Directors

NOTE: The decisions of the Board of Directors regarding the termination from the membership of the Organization shall be communicated to the member concerned.
Regulation Duties | Activities of Units ACTIVE MEMBERS – WARD, TALUKA, DISTRICT & STATE
 To Plan the ways and means to implement various activities to achieve the Aims & Objectives at national level.
 To plan and implement activities (only with prior approval of Board of Directors) which are not listed in aims & objects of UHRC.
 To enroll new primary members from time to time according to the guidelines and directions laid down b the UHRC with due approval of the Board of Directors.
 To generate income from various sources such as. Donations, Publications, Memberships, Subscriptions Other Sources 

 The units should send a bi-monthly report to the president regarding.
Various activities undertaken in last 2 months.
Funds generated from various sources.
Profile of future activities.
 The unit has to work whole-heartedly to increase the membership of UHRC & organize various activities to achieve the aims & objectives of the UHRC.
 The unit shall get the membership form filled by new proposed members & send it to the Board of Directors for its approval along with his/her bio-data with photograph & residential proof.
 Membership forms are solely printed & distributed by the Board of Directors.
 Unit shall send reports to the National Governing Body about any social & legal problems faced by local people.

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